суббота, 7 февраля 2015 г.

Medical school personal statement writing service

Medical school personal statement writing service

how to write an effective personal statement for medical school

My personal story: How I got accepted to medical school with these low MCAT scores.
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If you have any additional tips to share to help premed, feel free!
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Include in this video you will find simple tips that help you build the foundation for writing effective personal statement for medical school. Personal statement is an important part of medical school admission cycle. This is your chance to shine and let the admission staff know what is the drive behind your motivation to become a physician. Therefore, you should really spend time and efforts writing your personal statement for medical school.


When you don't know where to start.

Despite their stellar academic backgrounds, many well-qualified candidates lack the confidence to write their own personal statements. Some are unsure how to answer specific questions, while others have difficulty developing a cohesive theme. Many applicants brainstorm for weeks, only to produce a vague first draft that doesn't convey their unique strengths and experience.

For these candidates, we offer comprehensive, start-to-finish assistance through all phases of the writing process. We will collect relevant personal information about you and organize a complete model essay that answers the question in an exceptional manner. Each essay is written just for you and tailored to your unique personal data and experience.

Our comprehensive service is an excellent choice for candidates who are:

* facing a rigid deadline

* unfamiliar with the expectations of Ivy League schools

* juggling multiple applications and essay sets

* more comfortable with languages other than English

* unable to transform their own experiences into compelling essays

Our writers are Ivy League graduates with backgrounds in the same field in which they edit. (Medical doctors edit medical school statements, attorneys edit law school statements and MBAs edit business school essays.) In addition, our editors also have admissions experience at the Ivy League level. We know what aspects of a personal statement stand out in the highly competitive applicant pool.

The Process:

To determine if our custom writing service is right for you, please email us at IvyAssistance@mail.com . We would be happy to discuss your specific situation.

If we agree to write your personal statement, we will direct you to a sales page where you can order our service. Once your payment is approved by our credit card processor, you will be directed to our downloadable questionnaire. Please COMPLETE and return it to us immediately for prompt service.

Our writers will evaluate the information and develop a unique theme for your statement that reflects your true potential for success. Rather than endure weeks of unorganized brainstorming, you can have us create a memorable and effective personal statement that captures your unique voice.

We will notify you by e-mail when we receive your information. At this time we will:

1. request any additional information that we will need to write your statement

2. commit to a 72-hour deadline for the return of your work

We will not begin your essay until we have all of the essential information.

Cost & Timing:

1. For $275 . we will provide one customized essay or personal statement (750 words) within 72 hours

2. We also provide one revision of the same work at no additional charge.

3. All work will be delivered by e-mail.

Disclaimer . Admission to competitive programs depends on several factors in addition to your personal statement (GPA, test scores, interview, recommendations, etc.). We cannot guarantee that a client will be admitted to any specific school or program.


via авто новости http://avtopresa.blogspot.com/2015/02/medical-school-personal-statement.html


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